So Long and Thanks for Listening

Date: June 24th, 2018
After eight years, and 372 unique episodes, Dr. Anthony Gill – professor of political science at the University of Washington and Distinguished Senior Fellow at Baylor University’s Institute for Studies of Religion – retires the microphone and moves on to other pastures. In a short, ten-minute monologue Tony explains why he decided to end the show at this time and thanks Baylor’s ISR, his guests, and the listeners for tuning in. It is also noted that over the next three months, there will be a “Top Twelve” countdown of the host’s favorite episodes with brief descriptions of why that episode ranked as it did. At the very end, he shares the two most important things he learned along the way. Recorded: June 19, 2018.
Given that Tony has rarely been able to showcase his own work, below is a list of writings and other podcasts related to the academic work that he does.
Prof. Anthony Gill’s bio at the University of Washington and his SSRN page.
Baylor University’s Institute for Studies of Religion.
Rendering unto Caesar: The Catholic Church and the State in Latin America, by Anthony Gill.
The Political Origins of Religious Liberty, by Anthony Gill.
“An Economic and Pedagogical Defense of Tipping,” by Anthony Gill in the Journal of Private Enterprise.
“Religious Liberty and Economic Prosperity: Four Lessons from the Past,” by Anthony Gill and John Owen IV in the CATO Journal.
Anthony Gill on the Political Origins of Religious Liberty.
Victor Gill on Why There Isn’t an Episode This Week.
Russ Roberts and Anthony Gill on Religion (an EconTalk “simul-podcast”).
Anthony Gill on Tipping (another EconTalk podcast foreshadowing Tony’s projects to come).
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Tony,this is really sad. You’ve done such a great job with interesting guests and topics, seasoned with your endearing humor. The podcast fulfilled your goals admirably exposing me to all kinds of insight I would otherwise never have discovered. Listing had become a regular part of my Sunday afternoons. I’ll dearly miss it. But I totally understand your reasons for moving on, and wish you all the best and God’s blessing for your onward journey. Thank you so much!
Thanks Craig. Look for me soon back on the academic writing circuit.
Professor Gill, thank you for the considerable work you put into this podcast. I was late in discovering it but have really appreciated the interviews. All my best to you on your new endeavors!