Posts Tagged ‘small groups’

Rob Moll on Religion & the Brain

Can neuroscience detect the long-held notion that there is a connection between the spirit and the body? Is prayer good for the brain? And what about cuddle parties? These questions are answered by Rob Moll, an independent journalist and scholar who has investigated the current boundaries of brain science. We discuss how prayer works to alter your brain, how being in a group and touching can change your mood, and how the subconscious reacts the signals of other individuals, all in the context of religious experience.

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Bill Clark on an Academic’s Spiritual Journey

Bill Clark, a professor of political science at the University of Michigan, joins us for an interesting, open-ended discussion about his personal journey through the academic and spiritual world. Although his professional emphasis is on international and comparative political economy, Bill’s broad intellectual range and interest in the sociology of religion such allows him to provide valuable sociological insights into his own experiences, including creating a start-up church in New York City, plugging into various pre-existing churches, and then taking a new approach to his relationship with faith.

Christopher Scheitle’s Religious Road Trip

What do you get when to take a seasoned sociologist and a senior research associate, put them in a rented Dodge Charger for six weeks, and them tell them to find academic enlightenment? A religious road trip, that’s what! Christopher Scheitle tells us tales of his trip with Roger Finke to far flung places such as Memphis, Houston, Colorado Springs, San Francisco, Detroit and Brooklyn in search of what the American religious experience is all about. They visit a wide variety of congregations and take away some important lessons about the diversity and similarities of religious folks in the United States. We also find out who is the better driver – Chris or Roger.

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Larry Osborne on Church Finances and Growth

Should pastors know what individual congregants tithe? This question set off a debate on Christianity today and we pick it up with Pastor Larry Osborne (North Coast Church in Vista, CA), who admittedly changed his view on this question. He explains why and our conversation also covers other interesting facets of church financing. We also discuss some of the strategies that Pastor Osborne has used to help his church grow from a small Bible Study to a church that serves over 8,000 congregants each week across three campuses.

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Alexander Ross on Religion & Happiness

Prof. G. Alexander Ross of the Institute for the Psychological Sciences discusses the decline in female happiness over the past four decades and how it is related to declining religious partipation. Our interview features a general discussion of happiness, the non-religious factors affecting one’s happiness, the general decline in female happiness (relative to males) and how religion promotes general contentment and joy. Prof. Ross notes that recent declines among church attendance, particularly among women, have led to a steeper decline in happiness for females as compared to men. We conclude with a discussion of the role of religion in psychological counseling.

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Mark Driscoll on the Growth of Mars Hill Church

Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church talks with Tony about how he managed to transform a small Bible study group in Seattle, WA into one of America’s largest and fastest growing churches. We discuss the history of Mars Hill, the church’s organization and Pastor Driscoll’s innovative pastoral stategy. Unlike many churches, Mars Hill appeals strongly to young adult males. This is a great podcast for people interested in church growth and re-invigorating church culture and organization.

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Marc von der Ruhr on Megachurch Recruitment and Retention

Economist Marc von der Ruhr (St. Norbert’s College) explains how megachurches attract and retain members, becoming one of the fastest growing segments of the American religious landscape. (To download, right click on the download button and select “save target as…”).

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