Posts Tagged ‘Schrodinger’s cat’

Dillard Faries on Religion, Newtonian Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

Near the end of the 19th century and into the 20th century, physics went through a scientific revolution with a shift from the Newtonian paradigm of physics to the weird world of quantum mechanics. This not only affected the way we understand our material (and not-so-material) world, but it had an impact on the philosophical underpinnings of how humans perceive reality, allowing for theology to return to the discourse of science. Dr. Dillard Faries, a professor emeritus of physics at Wheaton College, explains the tensions within Newtonian physics, how quantum mechanics changed our understanding, and his own reflections on topics such as sin, free will, and reality.

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Stephen Barr on Quantum Physics, Religion, & the God Particle (Encore Presentation)

The following is an encore presentation of one of Tony’s favorite episodes recorded back in the fall of 2012. We will return shortly with fresh episodes.

Does quantum physics make it easier to believe in God? And what is the deal with that “God particle” that physicists just discovered? Did we really discover God and the origins of the universe? These questions, and many more, are answered by a real-honest-to-goodness physicist Dr. Stephen M. Barr (University of Delaware). Our discussion is both fun and informative as Prof. Barr explains, in terms a layman can undestand, what quantum physics is and how it relates to faith. While Prof. Barr argues that quantum mechanics does not make it necessarily easier to believe in God, it does make it harder to subscribe to a philosophy known as “materialism,” which often underpins a number of arguments for atheism. We also reflect on what it is like being a religious believer in the secular academic world.

Stephen Barr on Quantum Physics, Religion, & the God Particle.

Does quantum physics make it easier to believe in God? And what is the deal with that “God particle” that physicists just discovered? Did we really discover God and the origins of the universe? These questions, and many more, are answered by a real-honest-to-goodness physicist Dr. Stephen M. Barr (University of Delaware). Our discussion is both fun and informative as Prof. Barr explains, in terms a layman can undestand, what quantum physics is and how it relates to faith. While Prof. Barr argues that quantum mechanics does not make it necessarily easier to believe in God, it does make it harder to subscribe to a philosophy known as “materialism,” which often underpins a number of arguments for atheism. We also reflect on what it is like being a religious believer in the secular academic world.

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