Posts Tagged ‘Pope Benedict XVI’

Proselytism, Social Stability, and Development: A Panel Discussion

While the staff and crew at RoR takes a break to finish up some other academic commitments, we offer you a recent panel discussion on proselytism from the folks at the Religious Freedom Project (Georgetown University). Listen to Allen Hertzke, Ani Sarkissian, Brian Grim, and Hans Ucko share their perspectives on how religious proselytism shapes modern societies. We will return soon with more fresh and tasty nuggets in the coming weeks.

Jeremy Lott on Mormons, Pope Francis, and Ugly Churches

Our favorite religious journalist, Jeremy Lott of (and more), joins us to talk about his experience attending a religious service of the Latter Day Saints prior to the November 2012 election. Given that so many pundits were talking about Mitt Romney and the “Mormon moment,” Jeremy thought it would be useful to observe what life is really like within a Mormon ward. We also talk about Jeremy’s impressions of Pope Francis and share some of our insights about the world’s ugliest churches.

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James Felak on Picking Pontiffs and Pope Francis I

With all eyes trained on the Vatican over the past two months, we turn to one of our most popular guests — Prof. James Felak (University of Washington) — to help us understand what popes do and how they are chosen. Prof. Felak then walks us through the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the Conclave of Cardinals, and the “surprise” election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who took the name Francis I. He offers up some reflections on the potential direction of the Roman Catholic Church and reveals what name he would have chosen for himself had he been tapped to sit on the throne of St. Peter. One of our most lively discussions ever!

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Podcasts on Pope Benedict XVI

Given the recent news about Pope Benedict XVI’s looming resignation, some of our listeners might enjoy two earlier podcasts: Margarita Mooney on Pope Benedict XVI and Cuba; and Jon M. Sweeney on The Pope Who Quit. Search under “Mooney” or “Sweeney” in our search engine above, or click [read more] below for the direct links.

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James Felak on Vatican Council II

We are now in the midst of celebrating the 50th anniversary of The Second Vatican Council, which began in the fall of 1962 and lasted three years. Why was Vatican II called? What happened during this monumental gathering of Catholic prelates? And what impact has VCII had on the contemporary Church? Prof. James Felak, a popular guest on the show, returns to answer all of these questions and more. We explore the historical nature of Church councils and where Vatican II sits in the list of important councils.

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Margarita Mooney on Pope Benedict XVI & Cuba

We celebrate our 100th episode with return guest Margarita Mooney discussing Pope Benedict XVI’s historic visit to Cuba. We cover the religious landscape of this island nation since the 1959 revolution and the everyday hardships that both religious and non-religious people must endure, as well as the slow religious opening that has been occuring for the past two decades. Pope John Paul II’s visit is also discussed, but the majority of our discussion is reserved for the impact that Pope Benedict’s visit had on the Catholic faithful. Prof. Mooney details Benedict’s “Homily in Havana” and relates some vivid stories from people still living in Cuba.

With 100 free episodes now published, invite your friends to search through our archives! Link to us on Facebook.

Philip Jenkins on Global Christianity

Historian Philip Jenkins discusses the changing face of global Christianity. The conversation begins by looking at the global nature of Christianity throughout history and how it became conceived of as a European faith. Our attention then turns to how Christianity is expanding and changing in Africa, Asia and Latin America and what this means for religion in Europe and the United States.

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