Posts Tagged ‘Pentecostalism’

James Hudnut-Beumler on Religion in the Now South

Prof. James Hudnut-Beumler returns to our show to discuss his new book “Strangers and Friends at the Welcome Table,” an academic and “road trip” look at Christianity in the contemporary South. We look at Southern religion as it was in the past and what trends are reshaping the landscape today, including the rise of megachurches, homeschooling, and acceptance of alternative lifestyles.

Barry Hankins on Jesus, Gin, and the Culture Wars (Encore Presentation)

We are still on a sabbatical but hope to return with new audio formatting and access modes in the next month. Please stay tuned.

Jeff Rose on Street Preaching (Encore Presentation)

Most people view street preachers as fanatical or crazy. Research on Religion takes the time to discuss the motivation, challenges, and benefits of choosing “open air preaching” as a means of spreading the Gospel. This is one of Tony’s favorite podcasts, dating back to 2011, as it provides and up-close-and-personal look with an actual street preacher, people we often don’t take the time to understand. This interview dispels a number of stereotypes people may have of those who preach the Gospel in open air.

We will return soon with a number of new interviews.

Sarah Dreier on Anglicans, Lutherans, and African Churches

As certain Christian denominations in Europe and America turn towards progressive values such as the support for same-sex marriage and other LGBTQI rights, how do their affiliated churches in Africa manage this cultural change? Sarah K. Dreier, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Washington, explores this often overlooked tension within transnational organizations. She discusses how African Anglican and Lutheran churches that have a stable source of funding and/or are facing significant competition from Pentecostal churches are more likely to vocally oppose progressive policies on sexuality and gender issues.

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Paul Harvey on Religion in the American South

“The South” is commonly referred to as the Bible Belt in the United States today, and despite New England having a more explicit Christian identity during colonial times, the region from Virginia down to Florida and out to Texas has been shaped by religious dynamics from its most early days.  Prof. Paul Harvey, professor of […]

Andrew Johnson on Pentecostals in Prison in Brazil

Life in prison can be quite difficult and violent, especially within the Brazilian penal system. Dr. Andrew Johnson at the Center for Religion & Civil Culture discusses his extremely innovative work on the role of Pentecostalism in Brazilian favelas and prison. His research had him actually living among inmates for several weeks in a Rio de Janeiro prison. We talk about the relationship that Pentecostals have with drug gangs with poor neighborhoods in Brazil and the role that religion plays within the cell block.

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Robert Priest on Witchcraft Accusations in Africa

Prof. Robert Priest of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School discusses the causes and consequences of the growing trend of witchcraft accusations against individuals in Africa. We survey the demographic patterns in these accusations, potential reasons for why such claims are brought about, what the consequences are for individuals, and what some people are trying to do to protect those facing such accusations.

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Joseph Castleberry on Religious-Based Higher Education

President Joseph Castleberry of Northwest University (NU) in Kirkland, WA discusses what it is like to run a religiously-based institution of higher education. We discuss the change NU recently made from college to university, Dr. Castleberry’s pathway to his position as president as well as the various challenges a small religious university faces in recruiting students and faculty, and maintaining a high level of scholarship while staying true to one’s religious mission. This is an excellent podcast for parents and high school students thinking about where to attend college.

Rebecca Shah on Religion & the Enterprising Poor in India

Rebecca Shah of Georgetown University’s Berkley Center discusses her research on how religious belief and practice affects the economic prospects of the enterprising poor in India. We review the particular challenges facing women entrepreneurs in the poorest neighborhoods of Bangalore, the role that different types of loans play on their financial success (or lack thereof), and how their faith interacts with microfinancing to help improve their lot. The important role of tithing and rituals are highlighted.

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Barry Hankins on Jesus, Gin, and The Culture Wars

You constantly hear how our contemporary era is in the throes of a “culture war” pitting the forces of secularism against religious fundamentalists. Would you be surprised to learn that this is not particularly new in American history? Prof. Barry Hankins (Baylor), author of “Jesus & Gin,” notes that cultural wars are quite common in American history. We spend time discussing one of the more prominent moments when this was true, The Roaring ’20s. We focus on Prohibition, big-name evangelists such as Billy Sunday, and the fundamentalist-modernist divide that was growing within Christianity. This podcast is a great antidote to those who think that we are living in unique times and that the secular is now conquering the religious.

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