Posts Tagged ‘gender’

Carrie Miles on Religion, Gender, and Missionaries

What role does religion play in shaping cultural notions of gender, and how might this be related to economics and production in both agricultural and industrial societies? And can missionaries inadvertently carry over theological messages to cultures that unintentionally reinforce gender roles? Dr. Carrie Miles, of Chapman University and Empower International, answers these questions in a fascinating look at the intersection of theology, gender, and economics.

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Rodney Stark on the Triumph of Christianity, Part 1

How does a small group of invididuals in a religiously-hostile environment build a sectarian movement of Judaism into the world’s largest faith tradition? Prof. Rodney Stark (Baylor) discusses the important sociological ingredients for Christianity’s success in the first three centuries of its existence. We examine the religious landscape at the time of Jesus’s birth (including both paganism and Judaism), as well as the sometimes surprising role of that mercy, persecution, wealthy individuals, and gender played in the growth of Christianity.

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Allison Pond on Being a Mormon Missionary

What is it like to go on a Mormon mission to Russia? Allison Pond, recently of the Pew Forum and now a journalist with the Deseret News, recounts her two-year religious sojourn to southern Russia. We learn about why she went, her preparation for the trip, what the first day on the ground was like, and the various ups and downs of mission life. We also discuss the changing religious landscape in Russia and what that meant for Latter Day Saints who were in the field.

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