Posts Tagged ‘free-riding’

Michael McBride on Religious Free-Riding and the Mormon Church

While the staff at RoR takes a short break to catch up with other work, we run this “Best of…” show with Michael McBride on how religious organizations attempt to counter the inherent problem of “free-riding” in any voluntary group. Joiin us on our Facebook Fan Page for updates on what is happening in the coming weeks. Search Facebook using “Research on Religion with Anthony Gill.”

Mike McBride on the Economics of Religious Leadership

Why is religious leadership so important? And what do rituals have to do with establishing authority and leadership? Prof. Michael McBride of UC-Irvine discusses the underlying economic logic of religious leadership, particularly as it relates to coordinating group activity. Central to any leadership position is the issue of coordinating expectations among followers. Mike shows how various rituals, normative values, and sacrifices can assist in make leadership effective. We also discuss the implications of his theory with some surprising extensions to secularization theory.

Michael McBride on Religious Free-Riding and the Mormon Church

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has exhibited remarkable growth and its members show remarkable commitment and satisfaction with their church. Prof. Michael McBride (UC-Irvine) talks about LDS organization and how Mormons overcome the free-riding problem that is common in many other denominations.

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