Posts Tagged ‘evangelical Christianity’

Douglas Baker on Dominionism, Michele Bachmann, & Rick Perry

Douglas Baker (Union University) clarifies the recent debate surrounding “Dominionism” and its relation to various Republican presidential candidates, most notably Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry. He covers the influence of thinkers such as Francis Schaeffer and Rousas John Rushdoony and how their thought has influenced others, as well as how their thinking has been misrepresented in the popular media. We also reflect on the proper role of religion in the public square.

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Paul Froese on America’s Four Gods

Paul Froese of Baylor University discusses how Americans have different views of God and how these different concepts affect our beliefs and actions in other areas of life. Based on extensive survey research and in-depth interviews he conducted with his colleague Chris Bader, Prof. Froese details four distinct images of God, including authoritative, benevolent, critical and distant. Click “read more” to find a connection to the authors’ website where you can take a survey to find out what your image of God is relative to others in the U.S.

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James Wellman on Evangelical vs Liberal Christians

Prof. James Wellman (University of Washington) discusses the findings of his recent research on evangelical versus liberal Christians in the Pacific Northwest. We cover the differences in these two distinct religious subcultures in terms of their core values and how this affects their pastoral organization. The podcast concludes with speculation as to why evangelical Christianity is growing in the Pacific Northwest, whereas liberal mainline Protestantism is not.

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Thomas Kidd on The Great Awakening

Prof. Thomas Kidd (Baylor University) discusses the causes and consequences of The Great Awakening in the middle part of the 18th century. Learn about the great preachers George Whitefield, James Davenport and Gilbert Tennent, and find out what impact this evangelical revival had on the abolitionist movement and the American Revolution. (To download, right click on the button to the right and choose “save target as….”)

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