Posts Tagged ‘epidemiology’
Jeff Levin on Judaism and Health (Encore Presentation)
Due to multiple cancellations of podcast interviews this week due to health issues, we decided to re-run this discussion of religion and health to help everybody recuperate. Recorded back in 2013, it is still good for what ails you!
Stay tuned for some fresh episodes in the work.
Jeff Levin on Judaism and Health
Judaism is known to be good for the soul, but can it help with what else ails you? Dr. Jeff Levin, an epidemiologist at Baylor University, discusses the connection between Judaism and health. We discuss some of the historical links between the Jewish faith and health, the role of rabbis in sorting out bioethics, the importance of pastoral care to the sick, as well as the contemporary Jewish healing movement.
Note: Next week’s episode will air on Monday, January 6.
Jeff Levin on Religion & Health
Epidemiologist Jeff Levin of Baylor University, reviews findings from the study of religion & health. Levin recounts how scholars were initially skeptical of the links between religious belief & practice and general health outcomes, and how this field has developed over the past three decades. Are religious adherents more healthy than the population at large? Does spirituality have an impact on the ability to heal? And are donuts “calorie free” if you buy them at church? Find out what Prof. Levin thinks! (To download, right click on the button to the right and choose “save target as….”)