Posts Tagged ‘elites’

Tony Carnes on Jesus’s Auto Body (and Soul) Shop, Blessed Pizza, and NYC Religions Part II

A hat shop in Harlem that dispenses spiritual advice. A circle of Korean limo drivers holding Bible studies. An auto body repair shop named after Christianity’s savior. All of this stuff, and more, can be found in New York City and Tony Carnes has been on a mission to find this and document it. Following up on previous interview about Carnes’s project “A Journey Through New York City Religions,” we delve into some of the interesting, surprising, and sometimes unusual details of what constitutes NYC’s spiritual lifeblood. We go over some of the meta-trends as well as looking at the fine details. A fun and informative look at the post-secular city.

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Timothy Shah on the Case for Religious Liberty

What case can be made for promoting religious freedom worldwide? Prof. Timothy Shah discusses the moral, political, and strategic reasons why religious liberty is a crucial human right and why it is often called “the first freedom.” He reviews the justifications for religious freedom from three different faith traditions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — as well as the ontological reasons why religion should be considered for special consideration in debates about human rights. Tony even uses the word ontology in the discussion, but don’t let that scare you off since he didn’t know what it meant until very recently and our conversation is both enlightening and extremely accessible.

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W. Bradford Wilcox on Marriage

Brad Wilcox looks closely at how the institution of marriage has changed over the past several decades, with particular attention to “Middle America,” defined as middle-income Americans with high school education. Prof. Wilcox argues that increases in cohabitation, out-of-wedlock births, and divorce — which were common among the lowest socio-economic sectors of society in the 1960s and ’70s — is becoming increasingly common among “Middle America” today. We discuss some of the reasons for this trend and talk about various solutions. We close with a discussion of evangelicals men and parenting.

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