Posts Tagged ‘divorce’

Margaret Taylor-Ulizio on Being a Canon Lawyer

If the Catholic Church has canon law, there must be canon lawyers, right?! There are, and we were able to track down and invite Dr. Margaret Taylor-Ulizio to talk about her career path to canon law and what canon lawyers do. While canon law covers a wide range of issues from property rights to employment, we spend time talking about marriage nullity, which comes up with relative frequency and is something that Dr. Taylor-Ulizio has been specializing in recently.

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Bradley Wright on the Upside of Life

Feeling down about the economy, crime rates or anything else? Cheer up because Bradley Wright joins us to summarize his new book “Upside: Surprising GOOD NEWS about the State of Our World.” Prof. Wright notes that over the past half century, nearly all measures of human well-being have improved (sometimes dramatically) even though we often feel things are getting worse. We discuss why we think this way in addition to highlighting the statistical trends that should give us hope. While stepping slightly outside of our specific focus on religion, this episode nonetheless brings the discussion back around to a number of Christian organizations that are making the world a better place.

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W. Bradford Wilcox on Marriage

Brad Wilcox looks closely at how the institution of marriage has changed over the past several decades, with particular attention to “Middle America,” defined as middle-income Americans with high school education. Prof. Wilcox argues that increases in cohabitation, out-of-wedlock births, and divorce — which were common among the lowest socio-economic sectors of society in the 1960s and ’70s — is becoming increasingly common among “Middle America” today. We discuss some of the reasons for this trend and talk about various solutions. We close with a discussion of evangelicals men and parenting.

Brad R.E. Wright on Christian Stereotypes

Bradley R.E. Wright shares various empirical findings from his new book “Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites… and Other Lies You’ve Been Told.” Tony and Brad discuss a series of stereotypes that many people (including Christians) have about American Protestants revolving around the issues of divorce, charity, honesty, race, and the decline of American Christianity. (To download, right click the “download” button to the right and choose “save target as…”)

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