Posts Tagged ‘C.S. Lewis’
Jeremy Lott on the Media’s Pope-O-Rama
How well did the popular media do in covering the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the Conclave of Cardinals, and the election of Francis I? We talk with RealClearReligion editor Jeremy Lott who has a unique vantage point when it comes to answering this question. As a Catholic, a writer, and a news aggregator, Jeremy provides some very interesting insights into what he calls “pope-o-rama,” the media frenzy surrounding events at the Vatican over the past six months. He offers up a very prescient observation about a bear and a backpack, plus he reminds us of a few other stories that flew under the radar when all eyes were fixed on Rome.
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Jason Jewell on Why Christians Should Read the “Great Books”
How could reading Plato’s “Euthydemus” have helped a Protestant pastor avoid seriously embarassing her profession and faith at an Applebee’s restaurant? Returning guest, Prof. Jason Jewell of Faulkner University, explains how Christians should not rely upon just The Bible for helping to frame their worldview. Jason explains how he is in the process of reading through the Great Books, what constitutes a Great Book, what Great Books can tell us, and how you can join him on this intellectual journey. A fantastic podcast interview for homeschoolers.
Visit Jason Jewell’s blog for more information (click [read more] to access the blog) about how you can read along with the Great Books at home.
Corey Olsen on J.R.R. Tolkien, Religion, and The Hobbit
Just in time for the release of the much-anticipated movie “The Hobbit,” we explore the life, times, and writings of J.R.R. Tolkien with Prof. Corey Olsen (a.k.a. “The Tolkien Professor”). We go over how Corey became enchanted by Tolkien’s writings and what Christians can take away from this genre of fantasy writing. Prof. Olsen reviews Tolkien’s influences, his fascination with mythology, and his ongoing relationship with C.S. Lewis. The conversation then delves into several spiritual themes that can be found in “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, namely the issues of providence, fate, and free will. This podcast is a great primer for those heading out to the theaters over the holiday season and will provide a richer viewing of Peter Jackson’s cinematic interpretation of this classic piece of literature.
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Scott Thompson on Youth Ministry
Scott Thompson, the youth pastor at Redemption Church in Duvall (WA), reveals his insights into running a youth ministry. We discuss the daily operations of a youth ministry as well as some of the challenges facing junior high and high school students and how a congregation in a rural Washington town attempts to attract and retain students in religious life. This is the third in our series of interviews looking at Redemption Church and includes a special guest appearance by the host’s eleven year old son.
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