Category: Environmental Issues

Sung Joon Jang on the Boy Scouts of America (Encore Presentation)

In this encore presentation from 2012, Prof. Sung Joon Jang discusses his recent study on Eagle Scouts and the Boy Scouts of America, conducted by the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion with Byron Johnson and Young Il-Kim. The report focused on the effect that Scouting has on developing the behavior and character of young men, particularly those who earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Prof. Jang details a list of pro-social behaviors that are associated with Eagle Scouts well into their adulthood and compares these traits with individuals who were in Scouting but never obtained Eagle and the general population. The results are fascinating and contain a few surprises.

We will return next week with a brand new episode. Please stay tuned and tell a friend.

Whitney Bauck on Religion and Fashion

What is fashion theology? Why should religious individuals be concerned about the clothes they buy and how they are produced? Freelance journalist and photographer Whitney Bauck joins the program to discuss a Christian approach to fashion and the textile industry. We not only talk about the issue of modesty in appearance, but other issues such as sweatshop labor conditions and environmental ethics. Whitney lays out a model for ethical consumerism and how it has affected her understanding of faith.

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Robert Nelson on Environmentalism as Religion

Can environmentalism be considered a religion? And if so, what are the implications for the separation of church and state when it comes to the contemporary environmentalist agenda? Prof. Robert Nelson (U of Maryland) addresses these questions. As a former policy analyst in the US Interior Department, he brings an interesting perspective to the table, arguing that the environmental movement shares a great deal in common with what other people would normally consider to be theologically-based religions. We discuss what religion is and what aspects of environmentalism qualify it to be defined as a religion. We talk creation stories, teleology, sins & repentance, rites & sacrifices, and evangelization. Prof. Nelson concludes with an interesting argument about the separation of church and state being applied to environmentalism.

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Sung Joon Jang on the Boy Scouts of America

Prof. Sung Joon Jang discusses his recent study on Eagle Scouts and the Boy Scouts of America, conducted by the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion with Byron Johnson and Young Il-Kim. The report focused on the effect that Scouting has on developing the behavior and character of young men, particularly those who earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Prof. Jang details a list of pro-social behaviors that are associated with Eagle Scouts well into their adulthood and compares these traits with individuals who were in Scouting but never obtained Eagle and the general population. The results are fascinating and contain a few surprises. At the end of this podcast, Tony visits with Gene Sjoberg, one of his old buddies from his Scouting days, to discuss his experience being an Eagle. The interview closes with one of the most powerful and inspiring moments in the two year history of this podcast series. Don’t miss it.

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Fletcher Harper on GreenFaith

What does religious faith have to do with environmental stewardship? Rev. Fletcher Harper of GreenFaith joins us to discuss the history and work of his ecumenical environmental advocacy organization. We cover the biblical basis for environmental stewardship and explore why religious groups have been relative latecomers to the “green movement.” Rev. Harper also discusses the various projects GreenFaith has been involved in and how his group has been received by members of other religious communities and the secular environmental movement. Our podcast also explores the relationship between religious individuals and the government when it comes to improving environmental quality. Rev. Harper makes the case that it is important not only to change the culture, but to get the incentives right if Christians and other faith traditions want to make a positive impact on society.

Know of anybody you think should appear on the show? Email the host at tgill (at) uw (dot) edu.

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