Jeff Levin on Religion & Health
Date: July 12th, 2010

Does participation in religious activities enhance your physical health?  Can prayer assist in the healing process?  Jeff Levin, University Professor of Epidemiology & Population Health and director of the Program on Religion & Population Health at Baylor University, talks about various findings connecting religious belief and practice with physical well-being.  Prof. Levin also provides an intriguing discussion into how the general medical profession has grown to accept the imporance of religion as a variable that needs to be studied seriously.  We discuss the differences between religion & health as well as spirituality & healing, and how researchers conduct research in this field.  Recorded: May 31, 2010.


Jeff Levin’s website.

Divine Love: Perspectives from the World’s Religious Traditions edited by Jeff Levin, Stephen G. Post and Seyyed Hossein Nasir

God, Faith, and Health: Exploring the Spirituality-Healing Connection  by Jeff Levin.

“‘And Let Us Make Us a Name': Reflections on the Future of the Religion and Health Field by Jeff Levin.  Journal of Religion and Health.

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