Archive for May, 2018

James Hudnut-Beumler on Religion in the Now South

Prof. James Hudnut-Beumler returns to our show to discuss his new book “Strangers and Friends at the Welcome Table,” an academic and “road trip” look at Christianity in the contemporary South. We look at Southern religion as it was in the past and what trends are reshaping the landscape today, including the rise of megachurches, homeschooling, and acceptance of alternative lifestyles.

Doug Douma on Gordon Clark and a Christian Hiking Hostel

We’re back! Our guest this week is Rev. Doug “Banzai” Douma, author of a biography of Presbyterian philosopher Gordon H Clark. We discuss who Gordon Clark was, his impact on Presbyterianism, and then spend the second half of the interview talking about Doug’s efforts to create a Christian hostel for hikers on the Appalachian Trail.

This is our first podcast in the new AAC audio format. Enjoy.

David Smith on Episodic Religious Persecutions (Encore Presentation)

Prof. David Smith of the University of Sydney returns to discuss the role religion plays in international relations and foreign policy. We chat about why international relations scholars have de-emphasized the role religion plays in cross-national interactions and how this might be changing. David also reviews how scholars now think that religion plays a role in diplomacy and foreign policy.

We are still sorting things out with the podcast. Please be patient.

Richard Nielsen on Deadly Clerics

What motivates some Islamic clerics to advocate political violence? Prof. Richard Nielsen (MIT) talks about the frustrated pathways that many imams — who see themselves as scholars — face. When their intellectual ambition is blocked by actions of the state and other social conditions, one possible pathway is to advocate rebellion.

We are back from a short sabbatical and hope to have more fresh episodes in the offing.

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