Archive for November, 2010

David Brody on the 2010 Midterm Elections and Religious Journalism

David Brody, chief political correspondent for the Christian Broadcasting Network, shares his reflections on the 2010 midterm elections in the US. We discuss the role of evangelical Christians in the Tea Party movement, the impact that religion had on the campaigns of Christine O’Donnell and Sharron Angle, and the effect that the Ground Zero mosque may have played in the elections. Mr. Brody then discusses what it is like to be a Christian journalist in Washington, DC and a secular media world.

Thomas Kidd on the Pilgrims

Thomas Kidd (Baylor University) makes his second appearance on RoR to talk about the history of the Pilgrims, tracing their roots in 16th century England to The Netherlands and eventually to the Plymouth Colony in what is now today Massachusetts. Prof. Kidd discusses the differences the Pilgrims had with the Church of England and their Puritan brethren. We also explore why the king of England would allow a group of his critics to settle land in North America, the hardships that this group of religious refugees faced in their first years in the wilderness, and the imprint the Pilgrims left on U.S. history.

A great podcast for high school educators and homeschoolers, as well as a nice refresher course for those of us who think we remember our American colonial history. Plus, you get to hear your host recite poetry!

Ron Hassner on Sacred Spaces and Conflict

Why are conflicts over holy shrines and other sacred spaces so often violent and intractable? Prof. Ron Hassner (UC-Berkeley, political science) offers an intringuing answer that revolves around the nature and various characteristics of sacred ground. Our discussion covers the breakdown of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians in 2000, the recent controversy over the “Ground Zero mosque” in New York City and several other examples.

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Mark Driscoll on the Growth of Mars Hill Church

Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church talks with Tony about how he managed to transform a small Bible study group in Seattle, WA into one of America’s largest and fastest growing churches. We discuss the history of Mars Hill, the church’s organization and Pastor Driscoll’s innovative pastoral stategy. Unlike many churches, Mars Hill appeals strongly to young adult males. This is a great podcast for people interested in church growth and re-invigorating church culture and organization.

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James Wellman on Evangelical vs Liberal Christians

Prof. James Wellman (University of Washington) discusses the findings of his recent research on evangelical versus liberal Christians in the Pacific Northwest. We cover the differences in these two distinct religious subcultures in terms of their core values and how this affects their pastoral organization. The podcast concludes with speculation as to why evangelical Christianity is growing in the Pacific Northwest, whereas liberal mainline Protestantism is not.

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