Archive for July, 2010
Catherine Wanner on Religion in Russia
The history of religion in Russia and the Ukraine from the Bolshevik Revolution to present is the topic of discussion with Catherine Wanner, associate professor of history, anthropology and religious studies at the Pennsylvania State University. How did religious life under communism condition the religious landscape of these two countries today? (To download, right click on the button to the right and choose “save target as….”)
Joe Fuiten on Clergy & Politics
Should clergy members be involved in the political arena? Pastor Joe Fuiten of Cedar Park Church in Bothell, WA talks about his experience at the intersection of religion and politics. Our discussion covers a broad range of topics including government taxation, participation in campaigns, and how parishioners respond to the political views of their pastors. (To download, right click on the button to the right and choose “save target as….”)
Jeff Levin on Religion & Health
Epidemiologist Jeff Levin of Baylor University, reviews findings from the study of religion & health. Levin recounts how scholars were initially skeptical of the links between religious belief & practice and general health outcomes, and how this field has developed over the past three decades. Are religious adherents more healthy than the population at large? Does spirituality have an impact on the ability to heal? And are donuts “calorie free” if you buy them at church? Find out what Prof. Levin thinks! (To download, right click on the button to the right and choose “save target as….”)